Image: Dim Balsem
Hi there!
My name is Julien Rademaker and I'm responsible for everything you see on this site. It is a mix of my work as interior designer, stylist, graphic designer, stuff I did as an art director for advertising agencies and everything I initiate for 'Gevonden Op Marktplaats', my Bisou Gallery and twentyfirstofjune.
What makes me tick? Trying to create or combine unexpected elements in such a way that they strengthen each other. This is an intuitive proces in which I try not to be hindered by the status quo, dogma's or doctrines. It is the result that counts, no matter the ingredients.
I used to do this in 2d, but since I started my blog 'Gevonden Op Marktplaats', I have the chance to do styling and art direction assignments in which I can project my ideas into physical environments as well.
Anyway. If you would like to know a bit more about me, you should check my interview on Nuvo Magazine or Freunde von Freunden. They are better with words and took some pretty good pictures too.
My current fixation is manifold: more styling projects, filtering and selling art, working on the next Salon and setting up a gallery slash shop that has a collection that changes all the time. I guess I will be busy for a little while longer. :-)
Want to work with me, share your enthusiasm for certain artists or just ask me something? Send me an email.
Thanks for stopping by,
Julien Rademaker
Email me: julien at julesdavid dot com